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Greetings and good day to all!  Welcome to One of the main purposes of this website is to help promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.


God is the creator of all things including the beautiful national parks you can see on this site.  There are two parts to my website; the nature side and the Christian side. My main focus for the nature side is the National Parks.  As of now, I have photographed 15 National Parks and National Monuments.


My journey began in 1999 when I took my first trip to the Grand Canyon.  When I arrived at the park, I was amazed at what I saw. There was a spectacular hole in the ground that seemed to go on forever.  The canyon was beautiful, fantastic, and breathtaking. From that point on, I was hooked on traveling to as many National Parks as I could to see the beauty of nature that God has created.  It has taken me about four years to revisit all of the places I have already been to. Now that I have retired, I will have ample time to continue my journey of photographing as many national parks as I can.  In time, I will have a separate page for all the beautiful landscapes and mountain range scenery not associated with national parks. Just a little word about the Christian aspect of my website. All of the paintings on my site are “36”x “24” oil on canvas.  I commissioned two artists to paint “The Life of Jesus” using artwork to tell the story of His life. The project took about five years (from about 2004 to about 2009). I think you will enjoy the artwork. Putting together this entire website was not quick or easy.  However, I am pleased with the outcome. I hope you enjoy it, and of course, feel free to tell others. 

Ray Zipigan is the name of the artist who was commissioned to paint the beautiful artwork you see in the storyline of “The LIfe of Jesus.”

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Aaron Cain



Aaron is an avid adventurer and photographer. He retired from the Metropolitan Transit Authority after 32 years of service as a bus and train operator. Aaron is a huge fan of classical and jazz music. He is the creator of

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